I was born in France on July 28th, 1980.
I received my DEA (Master's Degree) in Networking in 2003 at the University Pierre et Marie Curie of Paris (UPMC-Paris6).
I obtained my PhD, entitled Mobile IPv6 architecture and protocols,
in June 2008.
From fall 2004 to fall 2006, I have been doing research in
the Esaki Laboratory (The University of Tokyo). My PhD advisor was Serge Fdida
(UPMPC-Paris6). While in Japan, I worked with Ryuji Wakikawa (Keio
University), and Hiroshi Esaki (The University of Tokyo). I have been the
co-chair of the UMANET working group at the WIDE Project.
From july 2008 to september, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the LIP6 laboratory (UPMC-Paris6) in the Complex Networks team.
I am now a researcher at ANSSI (French Network and Information Security Agency).
My research interests include 'mobility support on the Internet', 'IPv6 and Mobile IPv6', 'MANET and Self-Organizing Networks', 'security of mobility protocols', graphs dynamics, and communities detection.
Complete resume available here (in French).
PhD manuscript available here.